Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (1996)
1996 · Movie · 115 min. · Yugoslavia
Synopsis of Pretty Village, Pretty Flame (1996)
The film starts in the Belgrade army hospital where casualties of Bosnian civil war are treated. In the hospital they remember their youth and the war. The main focus is on two young boys, Halil (Nikola Pejakovic), a Muslim, and Milan (Dragan Bjelogric), a Serb, which have grown up together near a deserted tunnel linking the Yugoslav cities of Belgrade and Zagreb. They never dare go inside, as they believe an ogre resides there. Twelve years later, during the Bosnian civil war, Milan, who is trapped in the tunnel with his troop, and Halil, find themselves on opposing sides, fatefully heading toward confrontation.
Direction Srdjan Dragojevic
Cast Dragan Bjelogrlic · Nikola Kojo · Dragan Maksimovic · Zoran Cvijanovic · Milorad Mandic · Dragan Petrovic · Lisa Moncure · Nikola Pejakovic · Velimir 'Bata' Zivojinovic · Petar Bozovic · Marko Kovijanic · Dragan Zaric · Admir Sehovic · Milos Djuricic · Vera Dedovic · Branka Katic
Soundtrack Lazar Ristovski · Aleksandar Habic
Screenplay Srdjan Dragojevic · Biljana Maksic · Vanja Bulic
Cinematography Dusan Joksimovic
Original title Lepa sela lepo gore
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