Queens don't cry (2002)
2002 · Documentary · 92 min. · Germany

Synopsis of Queens don't cry (2002)
Bosom buddies BeV StroganoV, Ovo Maltine, Ichgola Androgyn and Tima die Göttliche are four Berlin drag queens who met in the mid 1980s. These four queens became Germany's most popular drag performers and have been busy fertilizing the German cultural scene. Besides being performers, they are also political activists - in AIDS awareness, anti-gay violence, the sex workers movement and the struggle against the extreme right and racism.
Direction Rosa von Praunheim
Cast Bev Stroganov · Ichgola Androgyn · Ovo Maltine · Tima die Göttliche
Screenplay Rosa von Praunheim
Cinematography Lorenz Haarmann
Original title Tunten lügen nicht
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