Kicks (2007)

2007 · Movie · 112 min. · Netherlands

Kicks (2007)

Home, what's home? Redouan is young, works in a supermarket, is of Moroccan origin, lives in Holland and is dreaming to be a rapper. One evening he goes out to meet up with a friend, whom he wants to write a new song with - and gets shot. It is the gun of policeman Frank, that killed him and Frank denies killing Redouan on purpose and rather claims to have shoot him in self defence. The case causes divided public opinion and a major debate about racism - in the midst of which young police woman Aaliyah and Redouan's brothers try to find out what really happened. This film is an intricate, and at times even humorous portrait of today's multicultural Dutch society. It shows day to day problems and challenges of this society, torn between expectations, misunderstandings and emotional conflict.

Direction Albert Ter Heerdt

Cast Roeland Fernhout · Mimoun Oaïssa · Maryam Hassouni · Hadewych Minis · Mohammed Chaara

Soundtrack Vincent van Warmerdam

Screenplay Albert Ter Heerdt

Cinematography Bert Pot

Original title Kicks

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