Abandoned (1955)
1955 · Movie · 75 min. · Italy
Synopsis of Abandoned (1955)
Set during WWII, the film is a drama of the Italian resistance, with all the usual clichéd characters in attendance. The central character, a bombed-out gamine who falls in love with an Italian partisan, is played by Lucia Bose, who earned a great deal of praise for her performance. Most of the film deals with the culture-clash between the citified resistance fighters and their rural hosts.
Direction Francesco Maselli
Cast Lucía Bosé · Isa Miranda · Jean-Pierre Mocky · Goliarda Sapienza · Anthony Steffen · Leonardo Botta · Marco Guglielmi · Giuliano Montaldo · Ivy Nicholson · Terence Hill
Soundtrack Giovanni Fusco
Screenplay Eriprando Visconti · Francesco Maselli · Ageo Savioli
Cinematography Gianni Di Venanzo
Original title Gli sbandati
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