The Twilight Zone: The Lonely (TV)
1959 · Movie · 25 min. · United States
Convicted criminal James Corry has been place in a very peculiar form of solitary confinement - he's alone on an asteroid 9 million miles from Earth. He's been there four and a half years now and is looking forward to the return of the supply ship and the goods it may have for him. When it arrives, Captain Allenby has something of a surprise for him: a female robot companion by the name of Alicia. She is human-like in every way but Corry can't but see her as a machine. He comes around however but they won't live happily ever after.
Direction Jack Smight
Cast Jack Warden · John Dehner · Jean Marsh · Ted Knight · James Turley
Soundtrack Bernard Herrmann
Screenplay Rod Serling
Cinematography George T. Clemens
Original title The Twilight Zone: The Lonely (TV)
241 votes (FilmAffinity)
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