Opus of an Angel (2016)

2016 · Movie · 90 min. · United States

Opus of an Angel

Synopsis of Opus of an Angel (2016)

Stephen was a successful cardiologist, faithful husband, and loving father, until a tragic event cost him everything he held dear. Exactly one year from the tragedy Stephen has created a sentimental tour of the City of Angels, as a tribute to those he lost. His final stop on the tour will be back at his home, where he plans on taking his own life. During his journey he has a chance encounter with a blind girl, Maria, who has gotten lost in the city. Unable to find her guardians he reluctantly brings her with him. Along the way she effortlessly begins opening his eyes to the boundless beauty of the world and that his life still has value. Their journey is wrought with many obstacles. As they get closer to their final destination, Stephen's frozen heart becomes thawed by Maria's warm charisma. Her positive perspective forces Stephen to confront his inner demons and the decision to end his life. Bringing him face to face with the questioning of whether their encounter was mere ...

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