Fragments of Conversations with Jean-Luc Godard (2007)

2007 · Documentary · 125 min. · France

Fragments of Conversations with Jean-Luc Godard (2007)

While preparing for an exhibition for the Centre Pompidou in Paris, Franco-Swiss filmmaker Jean-Luc Godard is met by filmmaker Alain Fleischer. In a series of interviews with thinkers and filmmakers, he elaborates his ideas about history, political engagement, film, the relationship of image and time and experimentation as an artistic pursuit. The material in his talks and the filmmaker’s ideas during these conversations reflect what he would like to take to courses at the Collège de France, a project that has never been realized.

Direction Alain Fleischer

Cast Jean-Luc Godard · Dominique Païni · Jean Narboni · Jean-Marie Straub · Danièle Huillet · André S. Labarthe · Christophe Kantcheff

Cinematography Olivier Guéneau · Laurent Desmet · Damien Marquet

Original title Morceaux de conversations avec Jean-Luc Godard

Where to watch Fragments of Conversations with Jean-Luc Godard (2007)?

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