My Friend the Traitor (1988)

1988 · Movie · 120 min. · France

My Friend the Traitor (1988)

Two criminals who enrolled in the German police to get out of prison seize an opportunity after the War to redeem themselves. The elder of the two, Mad Bosco, dies at the beginning of their adventure. Georges, 25, is greatly helped by Louise whose dream is to see him turn over a new leaf. She introduces him to Commander Rove, a counter-espionage officer, who decides to employ Georges' skills in exchange for his rehabilitation. Through their hunt for collaborators the relationship between Rove and Georges changes. Mistrust and disdain gradually succumb to a burgeoning friendship

Direction Jose Giovanni

Cast Valérie Kaprisky · André Dussollier · Thierry Frémont · Steve Kalfa · Yves Kerboul · Philippe Dormoy · Dora Doll

Soundtrack Jean-Marie Sénia

Screenplay Alphonse Boudard · Claude Sautet · Jose Giovanni

Cinematography Jean-Francis Gondr

Original title Mon ami le traître

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