Philo Vance's Secret Mission (1947)

1947 · Movie · 58 min. · United States

Philo Vance's Secret Mission (1947)

Publisher Martin Jamison sends for Philo Vance as he wants to hire him as a technical advisor on the crime stories he publishes. Paul Morgan, Morgan's partner, regards the plan as foolish. Jamison tells his secretary Mona Bannister to bring Vance to his home that night and he will reveal the solution to the seven-year mystery of the killing of Sam Philips, former partner in the firm. Philips ex-wife, now a receptionist for the company, is alarmed when she overhears. As Vance and Mona drive up, two shots are heard and Jamison's body is later found in the trunk of Vance's car.

Direction Reginald Le Borg

Cast Alan Curtis · Sheila Ryan · Tala Birell · Frank Jenks · James Bell · Frank Fenton · Paul Maxey · Kenneth Farrell · Toni Todd

Soundtrack Emil Cadkin · Ernest Gold

Screenplay Lawrence Taylor

Cinematography Jackson Rose

Original title Philo Vance's Secret Mission

Where to watch Philo Vance's Secret Mission (1947)?

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Unfortunately, Philo Vance's Secret Mission (1947) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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