Angel On My Shoulder (1946)

1946 · Movie · 101 min. · United States

In this comedy, Paul Muni plays a recently murdered gangster who finds himself roasting in Hell. Muni can't believe that he's in for All Eternity and keeps trying to "bust out," which brings him to the attention of the Head Man (Claude Rains), who calls himself Nick. Nick strikes a bargain with Muni: There's a troublesome honest judge on Earth who's been shipping too many souls to Hell; if Muni will take over the judge's body and begin performing bad deeds, Nick will set him free. Muni readily agrees, eager to settle the score with the ex-partner (Hardie Albright) who bumped him off. Once he "becomes" the judge, however, Muni discovers that he is utterly incapable of performing any misdeeds--and when he falls in love with the judge's fiancee (Anne Baxter), Muni becomes determined to wriggle out of his agreement.

Direction Archie Mayo

Cast Paul Muni · Anne Baxter · Claude Rains · George Cleveland · Onslow Stevens · Erskine Sanford · Marion Martin · Hardie Albright

Soundtrack Dimitri Tiomkin

Screenplay Harry Segall · Roland Kibbee

Cinematography James Van Trees

Original title Angel On My Shoulder

Where to watch Angel On My Shoulder (1946)?

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Unfortunately, Angel On My Shoulder (1946) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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