Vanessa (TV Series) (1982)

1982 · Series · 30 min. · Mexico

Vanessa (TV Series) (1982)

Dona de Saint Michel is an owner of one of the biggest textile enterprises of Mexico. She is undecided: in hands of which of her two grandsons to leave the business management. Pierre is a promising doctor and Luciano is a playboy who neglects his studies and loves good life. She would prefer to choose Luicano to turn him in a responsible person, but Pierre doesn't agree; he is neurotic and bitter. Pierre plots against Luciano and he is helped by a manager of the enterprise, Wagner, and by unscrupulous doctor of Cecile de St. Michel, Doctor Servin. When Pierre discovers that he is an illegitimate grandson and is able to loose the inheritance, his plots become more dangerous. Vanessa Reyes de Saint Germain is a beautiful girl, very humble but ambitious and she binds to Pierre and Luciano. Pierre uses her to entertain himself and when she gets pregnant, he abandons her, but Luciano loves her sincerely and marries her. But Pierre's shadow remains between them and they are going to divorce. Then, in a violent struggle between Pierre and Luciano, Vanessa will be killed.

Where to watch Vanessa (TV Series) (1982)?

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Unfortunately, Vanessa (TV Series) (1982) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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