Del rancho a la capital (1942)

1942 · Movie · Mexico

Del rancho a la capital (1942)

Victoria (Victoria Argota) is the mother of two daughters and one son. They used to be a wealthy family, but now they have financial problems. But that doesn't stop Victoria in his tendency to spoil the kids giving them money, despite the fact that any of them have a work. Nevertheles, Victoria receives a letter from his cousin Domingo (Domingo Soler), who lives in the country with his wife and his son Pedro (Pedro Armendáriz), notifying that they will come to visit them. One of the daughters has to many prejudices about the people from the country. She won't be disposed to stand the presence of her uncle and his family. The other daughter, Angélica, and her brother Julián (Manolo Fábregas), are much more tolerant than their sister. When Domingo arrives with his wife and Pedro, they will suffer the disdain of Victoria's daughter, but also the particular way-of-life of rich people...

Where to watch Del rancho a la capital (1942)?

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Unfortunately, Del rancho a la capital (1942) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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