The First Part of King Henry the Fourth, with the Life and Death of Henry Surnamed Hotspur (TV) (1979)

1979 · Movie · 155 min. · United Kingdom

Henry Bolingbroke has now been crowned King of England, but faces a rebellion headed by the embittered Earl of Northumberland and his son (nicknamed 'Hotspur'). Henry's son Hal, the Prince of Wales, has thrown over life at court in favour of heavy drinking and petty theft in the company of a debauched elderly knight, Sir John Falstaff. Hal must extricate himself from some legal problems, regain his father's good opinions and help suppress the uprising.

Direction David Giles

Cast Anthony Quayle · Jon Finch · David Gwillim · Tim Pigott-Smith · Michele Dotrice · Brenda Bruce · Rob Edwards · David Buck · Robert Brown

Screenplay William Shakespeare

Original title The First Part of King Henry the Fourth, with the Life and Death of Henry Surnamed Hotspur (TV)

Where to watch The First Part of King Henry the Fourth, with the Life and Death of Henry Surnamed Hotspur (TV) (1979)?

If you are wondering where to watch The First Part of King Henry the Fourth, with the Life and Death of Henry Surnamed Hotspur (TV) (1979), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

Unfortunately, The First Part of King Henry the Fourth, with the Life and Death of Henry Surnamed Hotspur (TV) (1979) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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