In the Heart of the Machine (2022)

2022 · Movie · 115 min. · Bulgaria

In the Heart of the Machine (2022)

Heat, iron, dust and the smell of oil. A typical workday of maximum security inmates will prove to be fateful for all of them. They find something extraordinary inside one of the machines, and an unexpected wave of compassion makes the prisoners take hostages and block the entrance to the workshop and risk their lives, because sometimes the desire to be human is stronger than the survival instinct.

Direction Martin Makariev

Cast Alexander Sano · Hristo Shopov · Hristo Petkov · Bashar Rahal · Julian Vergov · Igor Angelov · Ivaylo Hristov · Stoyan Doychev

Soundtrack Victor Stoyanov

Screenplay Boby Zahariev · Martin Makariev

Cinematography Andrei Andreev

Original title In the Heart of the Machine

Where to watch In the Heart of the Machine (2022)?

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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