The Emperor's New School (TV Series) (2006)

2006 · Series · 25 min. · United States

Synopsis of The Emperor's New School (TV Series) (2006)

Adolescent emperor/designator Kuzco isn't allowed to rule or live in the palace until he graduates from Kuzco Academy. Being a naughty, lazy pupil, he's in danger of remaining an uneasy guest in lama-herdsman Pacha's humble family for long. He may even be deposed altogether, if evil pretender Yzma gets her way in endless schemes involving gentle giant Kronk and magical potions. Yet flippant Kuzco pursues puerile pleasures and fellow pupil Malina, his opposite as commoner model pupil, uninterested yet often his salvation, as is Kronk.

Where to watch The Emperor's New School (TV Series) (2006)? Streaming, buy, and rent

If you’re wondering where to watch The Emperor's New School (TV Series) (2006), LiberFilm provides you with all the available options to enjoy it online. Discover which streaming, rental, or purchase platforms offer it, with the best quality and price.

Watch The Emperor's New School (TV Series) (2006) online

Currently, you can watch The Emperor's New School (TV Series) (2006) online on the following platforms:

  • Disney+

Availability may vary by country, so we recommend checking directly on the streaming platforms.

Is The Emperor's New School (TV Series) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?

Many users search for whether The Emperor's New School (TV Series) (2006) is available on Netflix, Disney+, or Amazon Prime Video. In United States, The Emperor's New School (TV Series) (2006) is available on Disney+. Here are some tips to enjoy it like a true movie pro:

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