The Student Prince (1954)

1954 · Movie · 107 min. · United States

The Student Prince (1954)

A young Prince, Karl, from a small sub-kingdom of the German Empire near the turn of the 20th century is sent off to get a university education in Heidelberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg. His grandfather was one of a handful of petty kings within German and Austrian central Europe. Fictional Karlsburg was small but very proud of their nationhood and traditions. Karl has been raised most of his life for the military, but when it comes time for him to marry, the princess picked for him can't stand his stiff formality. This would not be such a problem but for the fact that Karlsburg has no money, only good blood. His tutor recommends that he be sent to University to learn "charm" and essentially develop some social skills.

Direction Richard Thorpe

Cast Ann Blyth · Edmund Purdom · John Ericson · Louis Calhern · Edmund Gwenn · S.Z. Sakall · Betta St. John

Soundtrack Sigmund Romberg

Screenplay Sonya Levien · William Ludwig · Dorothy Donnelly · Wilhelm Meyer-Förster

Cinematography Paul Vogel

Original title The Student Prince

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