Chocotto Sister (TV Series) (2006)

2006 · Series · 25 min. · Japan

Chocotto Sister (TV Series)

Synopsis of Chocotto Sister (TV Series) (2006)

Haruma Kawagoe is an only child. A long time ago, at Christmastime, his mother miscarried the child that was to have been his baby sister. That night, young Haruma knelt down and offered up an earnest prayer: "Please make my mother well again, and please give me a little sister." Years have passed, and Haruma has nearly forgotten his prayer. But Santa hasn't.... one Christmas, when Haruma is least expecting it, he gets an unusual present - his sister.

Direction Yasuhiro Kuroda

Soundtrack Masara Nishida

Screenplay Go Zappa

Original title Chocotto Sister (TV Series)

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