Fraggle Rock (TV Series) (1983)

1983 · Series · 30 min. · United States

TV Series (1983-1987). 5 Seasons. 96 Episodes. Doc and his dog Sprocket have a hole in their wall, behind which live little furry creatures known as Fraggles in a place called Fraggle Rock. The Rock is also home to the Doozers (who are knee-high to a Fraggle) and the Gorgs (who are giants that think they rule the Rock). One gang of Fraggles (Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, and Red), under the guidance of the all-knowing Trash Heap (Marjorie), learn about each other and their neighbors and eventually befriend the Doozers, the Gorgs--and even Doc and Sprocket. Meanwhile, Gobo's Uncle Matt explores Outer Space (our world) and sends postcards to his nephew about the Silly Creatures (that's us).

Where to watch Fraggle Rock (TV Series) (1983)?

If you are wondering where to watch Fraggle Rock (TV Series) (1983), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Fraggle Rock (TV Series) (1983) online on Apple TV+. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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