A Lady and Her Maid (S) (1913)

1913 · Movie · 14 min. · United States

A Lady and Her Maid (S) (1913)

The photographer sends miss Ophelia a dozen photographs of her in different poses. Selecting the best one, she presents it to her favorite boarder, Billy, who does not think much of it and who gets very indignant when it is compared with the photo of his sweetheart. Miss Ophelia goes up to her room in tears and tells her faithful maid, Belinda, that her heart is broken. Belinda goes down and forcibly tells Billy what she thinks of him. Miss Ophelia resolves on suicide, because no one seems to love her. Belinda gets back in time to prevent this and, to divert her mistress, she suggests that they go together to a beauty specialist. Arriving there, both receive attention. Miss Ophelia gets a new complexion, while Belinda gets new teeth. Both invest in new gowns and dresses and the transformation is complete. At supper time, the boarders are all astounded. Miss Ophelia is really nice-looking and arouses the jealousy of all the ladies, so much attention does she receive from the gentlemen...

Direction Bert Angeles

Cast Norma Talmadge · Florence Radinoff · James Morrison · Lillian Walker · Hughie Mack · Kate Price · Flora Finch

Screenplay Beta Breuil

Original title A Lady and Her Maid (S)

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