Sunny Side Up (1926)

1926 · Movie · 66 min. · United States

Sunny Side Up (1926)

Sunny, a girl with a bright disposition, sings in the streets to obtain funds for a country outing for Bert, a gloomy lad. Stanley Dobrington, a theater owner, is leaving just as a policeman routs Sunny and Bert on a Saturday night; he hears her story, takes an interest, and promises her a part in his new revue in which she makes her debut as Little Bopeep in a Louis XIV tableau. Sunny forgets her lines but her improvisation is a hit, and Dobrington takes Sunny and Bert on a fishing trip to the country. As Sunny and Dobrington reach the point of proposals, the estranged Mrs. Dobrington suddenly appears, whereupon Sunny declines his offer and decides to marry Bert. She then learns that Bert is secretly married to Tessie, the wardrobe assistant. A false fire alarm sets off a panic in the theater, but Sunny manages to calm the audience. Mrs. Dobrington, returning to the theater for her jewels, is killed by an automobile, leaving Sunny and Dobrington free to marry.

Where to watch Sunny Side Up (1926)?

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Unfortunately, Sunny Side Up (1926) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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