Corporate Welfare: Where's the Outrage? A personal exploration by Johan Norberg (2021)
2021 · Documentary · 60 min. · United States

Synopsis of Corporate Welfare: Where's the Outrage? A personal exploration by Johan Norberg (2021)
Personal stories of the effect of tax exemptions, subsidies, government regulations, and bailouts - all commonly used to help big business - are presented in the new documentary, Corporate Welfare: Where's the Outrage?. Hosted by Free To Choose Media Executive Editor and Cato Senior Fellow Johan Norberg, the provocative documentary examines America's system of farm subsidies, Tax Increment Financing (TIF), Big Oil subsidies, government policies, and tax breaks for big business, and offers a perspective of the 2008 financial crash from the viewpoint of a banker caught in the middle. The program takes viewers across America to talk with individuals whose lives and livelihood have been directly affected by the outrages of corporate welfare.
Direction Maureen Castle Tusty
Cast Johan Norberg
Screenplay Mike Majoros · James Tusty · Maureen Castle Tusty
Cinematography Duane Codrington
Original title Corporate Welfare: Where's the Outrage? A personal exploration by Johan Norberg
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