Antonio Banderas et Pedro Almodovar - Du désir au double (2022)

2022 · Documentary · 53 min. · France

Antonio Banderas et Pedro Almodovar - Du désir au double (2022)

40 years ago, 'Passions' labyrinth' was released, the film that united the roads of Pedro Almodóvar and Antonio Banderas. Since then they have made some of the most emblematic films of contemporary Spanish cinema and their faces and works are worldwide. 'Almodóvar and flags: success and glory' is a documentary that travels through the relationship of two of our most international, loved and successful cinema faces. After 'Labyrinth of Passions', titles such as 'Matador', 'The Law of Desire' and 'Women on the edge of a nervous attack' arrived, an impasse occurs in their relationship and both triumph separately outside Spain. 20 years after his last movie together comes 'The skin I habit' and in 2019 'pain and glory' united them forever and turned them into the same person.

Direction Nathalie Labarthe

Cast Pedro Almodóvar · Antonio Banderas

Screenplay Nathalie Labarthe

Original title Antonio Banderas et Pedro Almodovar - Du désir au double

Where to watch Antonio Banderas et Pedro Almodovar - Du désir au double (2022)?

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Unfortunately, Antonio Banderas et Pedro Almodovar - Du désir au double (2022) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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