JFK: Seven Days That Made a President (TV) (2013)

2013 · Documentary · 97 min. · United Kingdom

JFK: Seven Days That Made a President (TV) (2013)

This feature-length documentary tells the story of seven critical moments that shaped the man who became a twentieth century icon. America’s most popular modern president was a man of great vision who inspires to this day. But behind the conviction and the charisma, JFK was a man of contradictions. A wise and cautious leader who behind the scenes lived his personal life on the edge. A vision of health and vigor hiding a private struggle with his health from the world.

Direction Steve Webb

Cinematography Paul Kirsop

Original title JFK: Seven Days That Made a President (TV)

Where to watch JFK: Seven Days That Made a President (TV) (2013)?

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Unfortunately, JFK: Seven Days That Made a President (TV) (2013) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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