Generación dF (después de Franco) (TV Series) (2008)

2008 · Series · Spain

Generación dF (después de Franco) (TV Series) (2008)

TV Series (2008). 5 Episodes. The first generation born after Franco. Born in the 70's, educated in freedom, they are already in their thirties and are about to take the reins of the country. The first generation of Spaniards, born in the 70s, educated in freedom, is already in their thirties and is about to take the reins of the country. Every man for himself. Because what can we expect from a generation that grew up with the traumas of Marco and Heidi; that wore jeans around their ankles and sweaters with shoulder pads; whose idols were Maradona, Lorenzo Lamas or Michael Jackson? Well, at least she should be able to laugh at herself, because we will have plenty of reasons to do so.

Direction Vicente Peñarrocha · Alfredo López

Cast Pablo Puyol · Ana Ruiz · Marta Nieto · Marta Hazas · Antonio Muñoz de Mesa · Natalia Mateo · María Jurado · Pablo Paz · Kike Guaza

Soundtrack Mario de Benito

Screenplay Germán Aparicio · Cristóbal Garrido

Cinematography Ángel Villarías

Original title Generación dF (después de Franco) (TV Series)

Where to watch Generación dF (después de Franco) (TV Series) (2008)?

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