Property Is No Longer a Theft (1973)

1973 · Movie · 114 min. · Italy

A cashier, allergic to money, is so exasperated that he decides that he must mine rich people's private property in order to give a shock to their lives. His main target is a rich butcher (Ugo Tognazzi), but he decides not to steal his money, but things that he needs more: his butcher knife, tool of his trade, his hat, his woman...

Direction Elio Petri

Cast Ugo Tognazzi · Flavio Bucci · Daria Nicolodi · Gigi Proietti · Mario Scaccia · Salvo Randone

Soundtrack Ennio Morricone

Screenplay Ugo Pirro · Elio Petri

Cinematography Luigi Kuveiller

Original title La proprietà non e più un furto

Where to watch Property Is No Longer a Theft (1973)?

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Unfortunately, Property Is No Longer a Theft (1973) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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