The Better Half (1918)

1918 · Movie · United States

The Better Half (1918)

Louise and Trixie Thorley are twins, one is kind-hearted and the other selfish. Although Louise loves Michael Thwaite, he is dazzled by the pampered Trixie and marries her. Trixie soon tires of Michael and departs for Europe with Hendrick Thurston, "an idler." The night she leaves him, Michael is attacked by thugs and loses his sight. To spare his feelings, Louise tends to him posing as Trixie. When Trixie returns, the twins argue, and Trixie kills herself in a fit of remorse. Michael finally regains his sight and, realizing Louise's love, marries her.

Direction John S. Robertson

Cast Alice Brady · David Powell · Crauford Kent · William T. Carleton · Isabel O'Madigan

Screenplay Louis Sherwin · Miriam Michelson

Cinematography H. Lyman Broening

Original title The Better Half

Where to watch The Better Half (1918)?

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Unfortunately, The Better Half (1918) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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