The Return of Dr. Mabuse (1961)

1961 · Movie · 89 min. · Germany - West Germany (FRG)

The Return of Dr. Mabuse (1961)

Commissioner Lohmann is already planning his holidays. An unexpected phone call calls him back to work. A member of Interpol was murdered. The head of an organisation wants to come into contact with the gangster organisation of chicago. But who is this? Mysterious murders happen and all trails lead to a penitentiary. But there is Joe Como, FBI agent, who is helping commissioner Lohmann. But soon Lohmann doubts Comos' identity. When Lohmann sees the name of Dr. Mabuse mentioned in a book found by a victim he believes that Dr. Mabuse is the mind behind the crimes...

Direction Harald Reinl

Cast Gert Fröbe · Lex Barker · Daliah Lavi · Fausto Tozzi · Werner Peters · Wolfgang Preiss · Rudolf Forster · Rudolf Fernau · Joachim Mock · Laura Solari

Soundtrack Peter Sandloff

Screenplay Marc Behm · Ladislas Fodor · Norbert Jacques

Cinematography Karl Löb

Original title Im Stahlnetz des Dr. Mabuse

Where to watch The Return of Dr. Mabuse (1961)?

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Unfortunately, The Return of Dr. Mabuse (1961) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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