On Moonlight Bay (1951)

1951 · Movie · 95 min. · United States

On Moonlight Bay (1951)

The Winfield family moves into a new house in a small town in Indiana. Tomboy Marjorie Winfield begins a romance with William Sherman who lives across the street. Marjorie has to learn how to dance and act like a proper young lady. Unfortunately William Sherman has unconventional ideas for the time (setting is during W.W.I, but the war does not play a major part for most of the movie.) His ideas include not believing in marriage or money, which causes friction with Marjorie's father, who is the local bank vice president.

Direction Roy Del Ruth

Cast Doris Day · Gordon MacRae · Jack Smith · Leon Ames · Rosemary DeCamp · Mary Wickes · Ellen Corby · Billy Gray · Henry East · Jeffrey Stevens · Eddie Marr

Soundtrack Max Steiner

Screenplay Jack Rose · Melville Shavelson · Booth Tarkington

Cinematography Ernest Haller

Original title On Moonlight Bay

Where to watch On Moonlight Bay (1951)?

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