The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes: The Eligible Bachelor (TV) (1993)

1993 · Movie · 104 min. · United Kingdom

Sherlock Holmes is unwell and suffering from intense, disturbing dreams. He is also bored with little to do and only the most routine cases being offered to him. Mrs. Hudson is so worried that she summons Dr. Watson who suggests that Holmes consider a trip to Vienna to visit a new doctor who seems to specialize in interpreting dreams, Sigmund Freud. He is soon approached by Lord Robert St. Simon over the sudden disappearance of his wife, Hettie. They had only recently married at his new bride was deeply disturbed as they left the church. He admits to having had actress Flora Miller as his one-time mistress. He was also previously married, on two occasions, with his first wife dying and the second marriage being annulled. It's not until he receives a visit from Lady Helena Agnes Northcote that he fully realizes the extent of Lord St. Simon's barbarity. When he learns the true reason for Hettie's mood on leaving the church, the solution to the mystery is at hand.

Direction Peter Hammond

Cast Jeremy Brett · Edward Hardwicke · Rosalie Williams · Geoffrey Beevers · Simon Williams · Paris Jefferson

Soundtrack Patrick Gowers

Screenplay Trevor Bowen · Arthur Conan Doyle

Cinematography David Odd

Original title The Case-Book of Sherlock Holmes: The Eligible Bachelor (TV)

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