Gandhi, My Father (2007)
2007 · Movie · 136 min. · India

Synopsis of Gandhi, My Father (2007)
The account of troubled relationship between Mahatma Gandhi (Darshan Jariwala) and his eldest son, Harilal (Akshaye Khanna), exploring the ideological gap and emotional tensions between the two men. It all begins in India, 1948. When the Bombay police encounter a dying tramp, they need his father’s name to admit him to hospital. Who is he and why is he muttering ‘Mahatma Gandhi’?
Direction Feroz Abbas Khan
Cast Akshaye Khanna · Darshan Jariwala · Shefali Shetty · Bhoomika Chawla · Daniel Janks
Soundtrack Piyush Kanojia
Screenplay Feroz Abbas Khan · Chandulal Dalal · Neelamben Parikh
Cinematography David McDonald
Original title Gandhi, My Father
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