Pikachin-Kit (TV Series)
2018 · Series · 24 min. · Japan
TV Series (2018 - Present Day). A fifth-year elementary student named Eiji Tōmatsu, and his "inspiration" buddy, a dog named Pochirou. One day Eiji finds a mysterious book called the "Pikachin Research Book," and learns about the seven tools that make up the Pikachin Kit. Eiji presses a button inside the research book, and immediately a "Future Amazon" delivery arrives at his door with the kit. Eiji uses the blueprints included in the box to assemble the kit, but it seems as though 1% part of the kit is still missing, so he'll use his inpiration to complete the machine. (Source: ANN)
Original title Pochitto Hatsumei: Pikachin-Kit (TV Series)
Not rated (FilmAffinity)
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