Rose, c'est Paris (TV) (2010)

2010 · Movie · 94 min. · France

Rose, c'est Paris (TV) (2010)

Bettina Rheims and Serge Bramly's Rose, c'est Paris is both a photographic monograph and a feature-length film. This extraordinary work of art, in two different but interlocking and complementary formats -film and photogrphy book published by Taschen-, defies easy categorization. For in this multi-layered opus of poetic symbolism, photographer Bettina Rheims and writer Serge Bramly evoke the City of Light in a completely novel way: this is a Paris of surrealist visions, confused identities, artistic phantoms, unseen manipulation, obsession, fetish, and seething desire.

Where to watch Rose, c'est Paris (TV) (2010)?

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Unfortunately, Rose, c'est Paris (TV) (2010) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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