Kansas City Confidential (1952)

1952 · Movie · 99 min. · United States

Phil Karlson's low budget, B-grade film noir, opens on a Kansas City armored-car robbery perpetrated by cynical, corrupt ex-policeman Timothy Foster. He devises an outrageous scheme: he will recruit three of the most vicious and unrelenting criminals he can find to undertake a robbery, blackmailing them into the heist with incriminating evidence from other "jobs." As an eccentric and clever conceit, Foster forces each of the perpetrators to wear masks, thus concealing their identities from one another and preventing the old pitfall of the men squealing and backstabbing. Complication arises when the ignorant cops pick up an unrelated fellow, Joe Rolfe for his ownership of a van similar to the one used in the heist. Rolfe grows irate over the accusations and sets off to find Foster and company. Though produced under the Hays Code censorship regulations, Kansas City Confidential constituted one of the most brutal and violent crime pictures made up through that time; as such, it retains historical significance. It also claims a strong cult following.

Direction Phil Karlson

Cast John Payne · Preston Foster · Lee Van Cleef · Coleen Gray · Neville Brand · Jack Elam · Dona Drake · Mario Siletti · Howard Negley · Carleton Young · Don Orlando · Ted Ryan

Soundtrack Paul Sawtell

Screenplay Rowland Brown · George Bruce · Harry Essex · Phil Karlson · John Payne · Harold R. Greene

Cinematography George E. Diskant

Original title Kansas City Confidential

Also known as The secret four

Where to watch Kansas City Confidential (1952)?

If you are wondering where to watch Kansas City Confidential (1952), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Kansas City Confidential (1952) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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