Ceiling Zero (1936)

1936 · Movie · 95 min. · United States

Old pals Jake Lee, Tex Clarke and Dizzy Davis flew together in the Army during World War I. Almost twenty years later, Jake is the manager of the Newark, New Jersey branch of Federal Airlines, a New York based airline company. Tex works as an airmail pilot and Dizzy, also still flying planes, is seeking employment with his friends. Prior to his hot-shot arrival (Dizzy does a few tricks in the air before landing), a New York associate warns Jake about Dizzy, calling him unreliable and troublesome. Insulted, Jake replies that Dizzy is one of the best pilots in the country, telling a few stories about his fearlessness and bravery.

Where to watch Ceiling Zero (1936)?

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Unfortunately, Ceiling Zero (1936) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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