Imprint (Masters of Horror Series) (TV) (2006)

2006 · Movie · 59 min. · United States

The story follows an American (Billy Drago) on a journey to a ghostly island bordello in Japan; he's searching for a girl he lost years before. The prostitute he meets has stories to tell--and they abound in incest, abortion, murder, and one of the grisliest torture scenes ever produced for a mainstream outlet.

Direction Takashi Miike

Cast Billy Drago · Youki Kudoh · Toshie Negishi · Michié · Shimako Iwai · Hiroshi Kuze · Miho Ninagawa · Shihô Harumi · Miyuki Konno · Sachiko Matsuura · Shinichi Tanaka

Soundtrack Kôji Endô

Screenplay Daisuke Tengan · Shimako Iwai

Cinematography Toyomichi Kurita

Original title Imprint (Masters of Horror Series) (TV)

Where to watch Imprint (Masters of Horror Series) (TV) (2006)?

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Unfortunately, Imprint (Masters of Horror Series) (TV) (2006) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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