Three Crowns of the Sailor (1983)

1983 · Movie · 117 min. · France

Three Crowns of the Sailor (1983)

In this classically surreal fantasy, a sailor, known for telling tales, sees a student killing his teacher and decides to spin a few yarns for him. He tells the boy of his many adventures in exotic South American ports where he visited opium dens and stayed in cathouses. In such dark, dreamlike places, the sailor meets many strange, mystical characters.

Direction Raoul Ruiz

Cast Jean-Bernard Guillard · Philippe Deplanche · Jean Badin · Nadège Clair · Lisa Lyon · Claude Derepp · Franck Oger

Soundtrack Jorge Arriagada

Screenplay Raoul Ruiz · François Ede · Emilio Del Solar

Cinematography Sacha Vierny

Original title Les trois couronnes du matelot

Where to watch Three Crowns of the Sailor (1983)?

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Unfortunately, Three Crowns of the Sailor (1983) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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