Lies and Deception (TV) (2005)

2005 · Movie · 90 min. · Canada

Lies and Deception (TV) (2005)

A woman, who thought her husband had committed suicide, discovers that he was actually alive for the past six years. She finds out that his crazy sister put a hit on her years earlier and her husband killed the hit man and faked his own death in order to protect her. With his new life in Chicago, he starts importing illegal drugs with his sister. When he gets cold feet, he turns up dead, and it's up to Jean to find out the truth once and for all.

Direction Louis Bélanger

Cast Mädchen Amick · Joseph Kell · Tony Calabretta · Andrew W. Walker · Ellen Dubin · Martin Thibaudeau · Natacha Noël · Sofia de Medeiros · Linda Smith

Soundtrack James Gelfand

Screenplay John Ireland

Cinematography Daniel Vincelette

Original title Lies and Deception (TV)

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