Laura (S) (2018)

2018 · Movie · 6 min. · Spain

Laura (S) (2018)

Synopsis of Laura (S) (2018)

Mario is a puppeteer, who builds some marionettes for show and some for sale .Laura is a waitress, who works hard but earns too little. Together, they do what´s possible to make the most out of their income until the end of the month. Every night, Laura gets home tired from work and dines with Mario while they tell each other about their day. However, today Laura´s shift was changed, so she won´t be able to make it to diner. This news causes a discussion in the marriage that seams mild, but something makes us feel like it is more serious than we perceive.

Direction Emilia Patiño

Cast Anabel Caravaca · Stephan Wiks

Soundtrack Emile Plonsky · Cristina Echeverría

Screenplay Emilia Patiño

Cinematography Nando Gutiérrez

Original title Laura (S)

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Is Laura (S) on Netflix, Disney+, or Prime Video?

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