Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child (TV) (1963)

1963 · Movie · 95 min. · United Kingdom

The adventure that started the show. Two schoolteachers decide to follow a strange pupil, Susan, home one night. "Home” turns out to be a time machine - the TARDIS - whose outer appearance of a battered blue police box leads to a immense futuristic interior. Susan and her grandfather, the Doctor, are really alien wanderers in time and space. To prevent them from revealing that, the Doctor makes his machine leave to the era of the caveman. Captured by natives, the four must escape back to the TARDIS before they are sacrificed by a tribe trying to regain the secret of making fire.

Direction Waris Hussein

Cast William Hartnell · William Russell · Carole Ann Ford · Jacqueline Hill · Jeremy Young · Derek Newark · Alethea Charlton · Eileen Way

Soundtrack Norman Kay · Ron Grainer

Screenplay Anthony Coburn · CE Webber

Cinematography Geoff Shaw

Original title Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child (TV)

Also known as 100,000 BC

Where to watch Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child (TV) (1963)?

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Unfortunately, Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child (TV) (1963) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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