Dead Mate (1988)

1988 · Movie · 90 min. · United States

Dead Mate (1988)

The lonely waitress of a diner Nora Mae Edwards has dreadful nightmares and difficulties to sleep. One night, her new client John Henry Cox, who is an undertaker, proposes to marry her immediately after knowing her and Nora accepts. Henry's driver Morley drives Nora and Henry to his town, Newbury, and they get married in Henry's funeral home that belongs to his family by Rev. Collins. Henry introduces his friends to Nora, among them the Sheriff Porter and Emmaline Strickland. When the young and beautiful Cicely Matthews dies in a car accident, Nora snoops in the mortuary and sees that her husband and friends are necrophiliacs but she is not sure that it was not a daydream. But when Cicely's brother Evan Matthews meets her, he discloses the dreadful secret of Newbury to her.

Direction Straw Weisman

Cast Elizabeth Mannino · David Gregory · Larry Bockius · Judith Mayes · Jerry Rector

Soundtrack Katherine Quittner

Screenplay Straw Weisman

Cinematography Anghel Decca

Original title Dead Mate

Where to watch Dead Mate (1988)?

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Unfortunately, Dead Mate (1988) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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