Ganz und gar

2003 · Movie · 95 min. · Germany

Ganz und gar

Torge is a good looking, popular teenager, self confident and known for his sexual conquests in his town, an example of the "nice but macho" guy from a small Western European town, endowed with exceptional social skills. He is usually the leader of is circle of friends, atracting others to the group. All of this, however, changes when he loses his leg in an accident. His difficulty with his new handicap makes him cynical and bitter. As a result, he plunges deep into emotional conflicts which threaten to destroy him. Even Lisa, long in love with him, keeps her distance, as do all of his friends. But as Torge realizes that losing a limb is not as bad as losing his friends, he starts to come to terms with his handicap, and live with his condition.

Original title Ganz und gar

Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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