Incident at Deception Ridge (1994)

1994 · Movie · 94 min. · United States

Incident at Deception Ridge (1994)

Ray and Dell are professional extortionists who make their living kidnapping rich men's wives for ransom. However, this time an unhappy marriage turns their plans awry. As they try to salvage the situation and recover their money, a busload of strangers gets in their way. These ordinary passengers on a trip to Seattle--an ex-con, his sister, an asthmatic kid, and a blind woman--prove extraordinarily resourceful when their survival depends upon it.

Where to watch Incident at Deception Ridge (1994)?

If you are wondering where to watch Incident at Deception Ridge (1994), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

Unfortunately, Incident at Deception Ridge (1994) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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