Sharpe's Rifles (TV) (1993)

1993 · Movie · 102 min. · United Kingdom

Sharpe's Rifles (TV) (1993)

During the Peninsular War in Spain against the French Sergeant Richard Sharpe saves the life of Arthur Wellesley,the future Duke of Wellington and is promoted to Lieutenant. In order to pay the troops Wellesley needs a money draft from the banker Rothschild but fears he has been captured by the French and sends Sharpe behind enemy lines to find him. Sharpe is allowed to pick his own platoon of crack riflemen,led by the surly Irishman Harper and including Hagman and Harris,who resent Sharpe as not being a' proper office'r and mutiny,though they eventually come to respect him. Sharpe's group meet up with a band of Spanish partisans,led by a woman Teresa,with whom Sharpe is deeply smitten. Eventually they rout the French and rescue a trio of Methodist missionaries,one of whom, a woman,is actually Rothschild in disguise.

Where to watch Sharpe's Rifles (TV) (1993)?

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