The Twilight Zone: The Last Flight (TV) (1959)

1959 · Movie · 25 min. · United States

Trying to find his way home after a dogfight in World War I, Royal Flying Corps Flt. Lt. William Terrance Decker lands at a U.S. Air Force base 42 years into the future. No one believes him when he claims to be from 1917, thinking someone is trying to put one over on them. Decker himself admits that before suddenly leaping into the future he was actually flying away from an serial encounter and leaving his friend in a lurch. He also realizes that he may have an opportunity to rectify that situation.

Direction William F. Claxton

Cast Kenneth Haigh · Alexander Scourby · Simon Scott · Robert Warwick · Harry Raybould · Jerry Catron

Soundtrack Bernard Herrmann

Screenplay Richard Matheson · Rod Serling

Cinematography George T. Clemens

Original title The Twilight Zone: The Last Flight (TV)

Where to watch The Twilight Zone: The Last Flight (TV) (1959)?

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Unfortunately, The Twilight Zone: The Last Flight (TV) (1959) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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