An Inlet of Muddy Water (1953)

1953 · Movie · 130 min. · Japan

An Inlet of Muddy Water (1953)

A three-part film based on short stories about the struggles of women in the early Meiji era. Part 1 tells of a young woman returning home for the first time after her arranged marriage. Parental pleasure at seeing her vanishes when it turns out she hates the marriage and wants to come home for good. In Part 2, an over-worked and poorly-paid servant in the house of a rich merchant family, needs to borrow from her stingy employer two yen for her poor relatives. Part 3 is centered around a Yoshiwara prostitute who has a patron she is in love with, but is also a big favorite with local gangsters. In addition, she has a creepy, stalker-ish ex-client, living in poverty with his wife and a young son.

Where to watch An Inlet of Muddy Water (1953)?

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Unfortunately, An Inlet of Muddy Water (1953) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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