The Lady Refuses (1931)

1931 · Movie · 72 min. · United States

The Lady Refuses (1931)

A wealthy London nobleman hires a pretty but poor young girl to distract his playboy son from marrying a golddigger. Complications ensue when the girl and the father begin to fall for each other, and things get even more complicated when the son declares his love for her, too.

Direction George Archainbaud

Cast Betty Compson · John Darrow · Gilbert Emery · Margaret Livingston · Ivan Lebadeff · Edgar Norton · Daphne Pollard

Screenplay Robert Milton · Guy Bolton · Wallace Smith

Cinematography Leo Tover

Original title The Lady Refuses

Where to watch The Lady Refuses (1931)?

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Unfortunately, The Lady Refuses (1931) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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