Tatoo (Tatuagem) (2013)
2013 · Movie · 110 min. · Brazil
Synopsis of Tatoo (Tatuagem) (2013)
Year 1978. While the military coup that assaulted Brazil in 1964 starts to teeter, we follow a romance involving an 18 years old soldier (Jesuita Barbosa) and the cultural ringleader of an anarchist cabaret (Irandhir Santos). Conflicts and reflections on a generation analyzed from its margins. Exception underscoring the vision of the rule.
Direction Hilton Lacerda
Cast Irandhir Santos · Jesuíta Barbosa · Rodrigo García · Sílvio Restiffe · Sylvia Prado · Ariclenes Barroso
Soundtrack DJ Dolores
Screenplay Hilton Lacerda
Cinematography Ivo Lopes Araújo
Original title Tatuagem
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