Disneyland: Mars and Beyond (TV) (1957)

1957 · Documentary · 53 min. · United States

Disneyland: Mars and Beyond (TV) (1957)

The episode begins with an introduction of Walt Disney and his robot friend Garco, who provide a brief overview of this episode, which starts with a look at mankind seeking to understand his world, first noticing patterns in the stars. He develops beliefs regarding the celestial bodies. Theories from scientists and philosophers are discussed. Ptolemy's inaccurate but formerly-accepted theories are discussed, as are those of Copernicus. Life on other planets is considered, soon focusing on Mars. Ideas from science-fiction authors H.G. Wells and Edgar Rice Burroughs are brought to life with colorful animation. Pulp science fiction comics of the time are parodied. Then the program adopts a serious tone as it profiles each of the planets in the solar system, from the perspective of what would happen to man on them. The claim is that whereas most of the planets are either too cold or too hot for life as we know it...

Direction Ward Kimball

Cast Walt Disney

Soundtrack George Bruns

Screenplay William Bosche · John W. Dunn · Chuck Downs · Con Pederson · Ward Kimball

Original title Disneyland: Mars and Beyond (TV)

Where to watch Disneyland: Mars and Beyond (TV) (1957)?

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Unfortunately, Disneyland: Mars and Beyond (TV) (1957) is not available on any streaming platforms listed on LiberFilm in the United States. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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Not rated (FilmAffinity)

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