Maria's Lovers (1984)
1984 · Movie · 105 min. · United States
Synopsis of Maria's Lovers (1984)
Ivan Bibic returns to his Pittsburgh PA suburb after surviving a Japanse POW camp, causing regular nightmares. All the time he remained faithfully devoted to his childhood love, fellow ethnic Yugoslavian virgin Maria Bosic. She dates him again, thus ruining a virtual engagement to captain Al Griselli. Against Ivan's dad's advice, they get married. But Ivan became psychologically impotent, feels unworthy of her and starts wondering, even looking for another girl. Meanwhile slick guitar-and-song-busker Clarence Butts moves in to South-Western PA, and seduces Maria.
Direction Andrei Konchalovsky
Cast Nastassja Kinski · John Savage · Robert Mitchum · Keith Carradine · Anita Morris · Karen Young · Vincent Spano · John Goodman · Tracy Nelson · Bud Cort · Anna Thomson
Soundtrack Gary Malkin
Screenplay Gérard Brach · Andrei Konchalovsky · Paul Zindel · Marjorie David
Cinematography Juan Ruiz Anchía
Original title Maria's Lovers
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