Big House U.S.A (1955)

1955 · Movie · 83 min. · United States

When young Danny Lambert runs away from camp in south-central Colorado, he becomes the object of a park-wide-search by his wealthy father Robertson Lambert. He is found by Jerry Barker and told to wait at an abandoned look-out tower while he goes for help. Instead, Barker calls the father and demands $200,000 ransom. The money is delivered and Barker buries most of it. Meanwhile, the panicky boy has fallen from the tower to his death, and Barker drops the body off a cliff. The FBI, led by James Madden, capture Barker but can't convict him of kidnapping and he is given only five years for extortion and sent to Casabel Island Prison. There he is assigned a cell with Rollo Lambar, Alamo Smith, Benny Kelly and Machine Gun Mason. The FBI have now traced an affiliation between Barker and Emily Evans, a nurse at Danny's camp. The five cell-mates, led by Rollo, who plans to kill Benny and dress him in Barker's clothes to throw off the police...

Direction Howard W. Koch

Cast Broderick Crawford · Ralph Meeker · Reed Hadley · William Talman · Lon Chaney Jr. · Charles Bronson · Felicia Farr · Roy Roberts · Willis Bouchey

Soundtrack Paul Dunlap

Screenplay John C. Higgins

Cinematography Gordon Avil

Original title Big House U.S.A

Where to watch Big House U.S.A (1955)?

If you are wondering where to watch Big House U.S.A (1955), LiberFilm makes it easy to find the best streaming option available. Compare streaming platforms and enjoy it online with the best quality and price.

In the United States, you can watch Big House U.S.A (1955) online on Prime Video. Since availability may vary by country and over time, we recommend checking directly on streaming platforms for the latest options.

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